Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Who knew right?? But today is National Sibling Day. Being the youngest had its perks for sure, and I was lucky to have such a great older sister and brother. Unfortunately my brother, David, went to be with our Lord when I was 13. I think of him everyday and named my son, his middle name after him. I miss you David and you are always in my heart. 

Not even knowing what today was, my son, while sitting on his changing table, insisted on playing with a baseball that sits on his shelf in his room. I told him that was uncle Davies , you can't play with it. He really started to cry, point in its direction and scream ball. I reluctantly picked it up and gave it to him. I put him down and he ran into the living room. I watched him carefully, out of fear he would throw and break something. He ran to the ottoman and just held the ball, so softly and sweetly. He just held it and watched his shows. I couldn't help buy cry, I just felt he knew the importance of that ball. I managed to get a pic of it and I'm sharing it with you. Such a beautiful moment for me. My son holding something that once belonged to the man I looked up to and miss everyday. It was priceless.

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