Monday, April 22, 2013

Texas Bluebonnets

One of my most wonderful dear old friends is our family photographer...check her out here WantedPhotography. We had an appointment with her for a bluebonnet picture shoot. Due to our crazy ever changing schedule we had to cancel. I was so disappointed that we wouldn't get that infamous Texas Bluebonnet picture. I decided if I can't have the real thing then I'll have second best, I'll shoot it. No fancy camera. Just me and my Sony hand held digital camera I bought at Target for $70.00. I found a place in Plano at the JCPenneys corporate headcourters, that still had a few bluebonnets left. They were sparse but better than nothing. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saint Patricks Day

After having a busy few last weeks, I'm just now uploading pics of my son, Kannon, from St. Patty's Day. Just a few shots on our front porch. Better late than never.
I used app PicTapGo and filter SweetTooth

A Mothers Message

Monday, April 15, 2013

Face lift for the guest bath

Okay let's face it, every once in awhile we are all ready for a change...a lift. I decided to start with our guest bath. The shower curtain that had lived in my guest bath I had bought back in 2008, and was no longer me at all. I found the perfect, and reasonably priced shower curtain at Target which happened to be on sale. Found here but only available in store. All I needed was a few finishing touches and drum roll......

The outdated before...

Now all I need to find is a colorful rug. I'm thinking yellow or turquoise.

The ladder I found at Tradedays.
Towels are from anthropologie and Target

Do you have any plans for a face lift in the home?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Who knew right?? But today is National Sibling Day. Being the youngest had its perks for sure, and I was lucky to have such a great older sister and brother. Unfortunately my brother, David, went to be with our Lord when I was 13. I think of him everyday and named my son, his middle name after him. I miss you David and you are always in my heart. 

Not even knowing what today was, my son, while sitting on his changing table, insisted on playing with a baseball that sits on his shelf in his room. I told him that was uncle Davies , you can't play with it. He really started to cry, point in its direction and scream ball. I reluctantly picked it up and gave it to him. I put him down and he ran into the living room. I watched him carefully, out of fear he would throw and break something. He ran to the ottoman and just held the ball, so softly and sweetly. He just held it and watched his shows. I couldn't help buy cry, I just felt he knew the importance of that ball. I managed to get a pic of it and I'm sharing it with you. Such a beautiful moment for me. My son holding something that once belonged to the man I looked up to and miss everyday. It was priceless.

Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's day decor

In honor of my husband being a 100% Black Irish, I'm Scottish, I decided last minute to throw something together for the big Irish day! A trip to Home goods always comes through. There I found a great large burlap, I'm obsessed with burlap, covered in green polka dots. Who doesn't love polka dots? Luckily there is a Target next door to my local Home Goods and I remember seeing a nice selection of St. Patick's Day decor. Of course since we are days away, it was already on clearance. But the Target Gods were good to me, and I found 2 pieces for only $7.00. The pillow was $16.99 and everything else I already not to shabby for last minute throw together.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Recipe-Stuffed peppers

Here's a quick and easy recipe for healthy family dinner.

Prep time-5-10 minutes
Cook time-20 minutes

What you will need-
4-8 green, red, orange or yellow peppers (I use 4 green, doesn't matter the color, the taste is the same for all colors)
1 medium white onion
2 fresh medium tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper( I prefer Celtic salt)
Taco seasoning pack (any brand will do)

Pre heat oven to 350
Cut off the top part of pepper and pull out stem and seeds
Place in boiling water for 5 minutes
Cook meat over medium heat with seasoning
In a separate skillet on medium-low heat combine olive oil, onions, garlic for about 3 minutes
Last minute add tomatoes
Then add meat for another 2 minutes or so
Spoon filling into peppers
Cover with foil and bake for 12-15 minutes
Cover peppers with cheese and cook for an additional 5 minutes or until golden.

I served the stuffed peppers with Spanish rice and avocados. It was delicious. Even my chef husband approved.